Lima Jevremovic Net Worth, Sisters & Parents

Lima Jevremovic Net Worth
Lima Jevremovic Net Worth
Wants to know Lima Jevremovic Net Worth? then you have come to the right place as this article provides every essential info about Lima and her family.

Hey there! We’re about to dive into the amazing world of Lima Jevremovic, the brains behind the Jevremovic Institute of Behavior and Brain Sciences (JIBBS) and explore how much her net worth is.

But what makes her story so incredible isn’t just her professional success; it’s the heartwarming connection she has with her family and her unshakable passion for mental health.

Who is Lima Jevremovic?

Lima Mora, the founder of JIBBS, knows the impact of severe mental health issues all too well, thanks to her own family experiences.

Her personal journey has been a driving force behind her dedication to make a difference in the world of mental healthcare. It’s a story of turning personal adversity into something beautiful.

Lima Jevremovic Net Worth

In addition to her remarkable achievements, Lima Jevremovic’s net worth is an impressive $2.4 million, a testimony to her success in both the fields of tech and mental healthcare. 

Tech and Mental Health Maverick

Lima Mora isn’t just making an impact at JIBBS. She’s also a big name in the tech community. She’s known for her captivating talks and her role as a tech healthcare ambassador.

Her insights into virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and artificial intelligence (AI) are turning heads and shaping the future of these industries.

Bridging Psychology and Technology

Mora’s unique background in psychology and experience with controlled environments puts her in the perfect spot to provide some serious insights. She’s the go-to person for evaluating mental and behavioral technology, ensuring it’s not just cool but also effective and safe.

Her work is making mental health support more accessible and robust for those who need it.

In a nutshell, Lima Jevremovic’s journey is a true inspiration. She’s gone from personal struggles to becoming a trailblazer in mental health and technology.

Her unwavering commitment to making mental healthcare better, pushing the boundaries of technology, and ensuring these innovations are accessible to all is pretty darn amazing.

Through JIBBS and her role as a mixed reality experience designer, Lima Mora is changing the game when it comes to mental health support. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What’s AURA all about?

AURA is a cool digital health startup founded by Lima Jevremovic. Its mission is to shake up how we approach mental health by treating it just like we treat physical health. AURA uses data-driven wizardry to make mental healthcare better and more accessible and to cut down on relapse rates.

How does AURA use data to make mental healthcare better?

AURA has a super-secure data platform that talks to mobile and VR devices, giving real-time insights into your mental health. It checks patterns, assesses risks, and provides expert clinical guidance, making mental health treatment super precise.

What kind of tech tools does AURA have for mental health treatment?

AURA offers some fancy tools, like voice analysis and biofeedback, which doctors really dig. But the real game-changer is their mobile app, which lets you get treatment on the go. Imagine the possibilities!

What struggles did Lima face when she started AURA?

Lima, like any startup champ, faced some hurdles when kickstarting AURA. She tells us it’s crucial to stay tough and learn from mistakes. Plus, having a great support system is key when things get tricky. It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle, but she’s all about taking breaks for your own sanity.

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