Dana White recovered from COVID-19, Thanks Dr. Joe Rogan

In just five days UFC president Dana White has recovered from the deadliest COVID-19 disease by doing Joe Rogan's therapy.

In just five days UFC president Dana White has recovered from the deadliest COVID-19 disease by doing Joe Rogan’s therapy.

Speaking to TMZ sports, Dana Said “Today is day five since i tested positive for covid and today, this morning at nine o’clock i tested negative. Thank you Dr. Joe Rogan.”

Speaking on Rogan’s therapy, he said “He did it himself and like 40 other people that he’s done this with so, and here’s the reality in all seriousness Joe Rogan is a brilliant guy and he talks to the most brilliant people out there he studies, he does his homework on all this stuff.”

He said it works on almost any age of patients, Also claims his full family is recovered from it “you know it’s a fact that this works and not just me so and my wife are both 53 years old and we both did it,” Said by Danan, “my daughter is 15 years old she did it, my mother in law is 80 years old she did it.”

Dana also gives details on what Joe Rogan told him to do and what he did, Dana said “I called rogan and rogan said tomorrow morning do this first all test and make sure you’re positive for COVID-19 and then he said first thing that you do is get monoclonal antibodies right,get the injection then do NAD drip, Then tomorrow get up and take ivermectin and then another vitamin drip and you do NAD and Vitamin dripevery other day till you’re negative right. the next day at 11 o’clock i had my taste and smell back.”

Despite being tested negative, Dana said his doctor has recommended to stay at home till monday. So, he won’t be attending UFCs this weeks vegas event.

What do you guys think about this and how do you see Dr. Joe Rogan’s therapy?

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